Lorne Beach: Fantastical Formations– Photos


Lorne Beach
Lorne Beach

In 2009, when my friend Jess and I visited the Great South Coast of Australia, I shot photo after photo of rocks at Lorne Beach which seemed to take the shapes of animals. When I returned to the US, I cemailed the Australian Geologic Service and was referred to Avi Olshina, an Australian geologist, who explained how these astonishing forms emerged, more than a million years ago.

The photos were first shown in 2010 at Treasures over Time, a shop in the coastal city of Salem, Mass, which sold objects–jewelry, sculpture, bowls, household items–all from the mineral kingdom.

The show and Olshina’s role in it were covered by the Australian magazine, GeoScience Victoria. Olshina and I stayed in touch on Facebook until last year when, sadly, he passed away.

I am grateful to Karen Davis, who with her husband, Mark Orton, has since established the Davis Orton Gallery, in Hudson, New York, for her encouragement and help with editing and formatting some of the photos.

“Fantastical Formations” was also shown at Quincy House, at Harvard University; thanks to the late Co-master Deb Gehrke and the junior common room for sponsoring the exhibit— and to my friend E for helping me put it up. .

Link to press coverage

Writer, photographer, consultant